Django Vs Flask: Which Python Framework Should You Choose (Beginners guide)

Durgesh Sharma
6 min readOct 12, 2023


Django is a well-known open source web application framework. It was created in 2003 by a Dutch programmer named Adrian Holovaty. Python is the most popular language to work with Django. Flask is Open Source micro web framework for Python. In the below article, you will find everything you need to know about Django and Flask.

Understanding Web Frameworks

Web frameworks are at the core of every web development process. Frameworks make web development easier — like an inbuilt set of tools that help you build your website. There are a number of frameworks available for web development. Flask, which is a micro framework, and Django, which is a fully stacked framework, are two of the most popular frameworks in use today. While each framework has its own merits and works well in different scenarios, it is easy to get confused about which one to choose. This is why we have put together this blog to help you better understand why you might need a framework to build your website. What is a framework? A framework is a set of tools that helps you build faster and with better results. It is a skeleton that you can use to build your website upon. A framework gives you some basic code to work with so that you can focus on adding more features to your website

What Is Django ?

Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Built by experienced developers, it takes care of much of the hassle of Web development, so you can focus on writing your app without needing to reinvent the wheel.

What Is Flask?

Flask is a web application framework written in Python. It’s small, easy to use, and works with a variety of different databases. It is distributed under the MIT License. Flask, a python web development framework (micro framework) is used by Python developers to build websites and web applications. Flask was created by Armin Ronacher, an experienced Python developer. Flask is an open source framework, and it can be used in both personal and commercial projects. Flask is very small in size, and it’s easy to learn.

Understanding The Difference Between The Two Frameworks

For the last few years, web developers have been debating over which web framework is the best to use. Django and Flask are two of the most popular python web frameworks. Both have their pros and cons. Django was developed by an online newsroom and has more corporate experience. Flask is much younger and is used by more small to medium businesses. It’s not an easy task to decide which one is best for you.

In this article, I will try to compare these two web frameworks and see which one is better to use. I will also try to list the pros and cons of both. So, if you are a developer who wants to build a web application or a website, and you are still looking to choose a framework, then this article is for you. We will discuss the features, pros and cons of both frameworks and see which one you should use.

Flask Vs Django

Both Django and Flask are popular Python web frameworks that can be used to create web apps. If you are a beginner in web app development or want to develop a new web app, you are probably asking yourself: “Which one is the best framework to choose from?”. A framework is a software library or set of libraries that provide the structure to code an application. Flask and Django are two popular web frameworks that meet this definition. Let’s talk about these two frameworks and everything you need to know to make an informed choice.

Flask is based on Werkzeug and Jinja. It is a micro framework. That means it doesn’t come with a lot of functionality in the box, but is designed to be extended by the user. Flask’s small size and flexibility make it a great option for building prototypes, for creating simple websites, and for learning more about web programming. However, it’s not as powerful as Django; Django is better suited for complex and large web applications.

If Django and Flask are the two best Python frameworks we can find, which of the two should we choose to build our web apps? To answer this question, we should first compare the two frameworks. Django is the one that has been around for a longer time, so it is the more mature framework. Django has a lot of built-in functionality, like ORM, template language, forms, authentication, and much more. It is also a more opinionated framework, which means that the development process is guided by Django’s principles. Flask, on the other hand, is more flexible. It does not offer you the same amount of functionality by default, but it also enables you to choose the right tools for your project. Flask’s modular structure also means that you can add new features easily.

The Pros Of Django And Flask Frameworks

Pros Of Django Framework:

1) Django has an active community of developers who are constantly adding new features to the framework and fixing bugs as they appear.

2)It’s easy to use and provides many libraries with which you can create your own applications from scratch using the most common programming languages such as Python, Java, Ruby etcetera.

3) It’s open source so you can use it for free without any restrictions or limitations.

4) It provides tools that make it easy to create powerful website interfaces with dynamic

Pros of Flask framework:

1) Simple to understand and easy to use

2) Minimalistic

3) Extensible

Cons Of Flask and Django Frameworks

Flask cons

1) There are some cons of using these frameworks:

2) You have less control over your code.

3) It might not be as fast as other frameworks.

4) The templates are not as customizable as other frameworks.

These cons can be solved by using Extension’s like Flask-SQLAlchemy or Flask-Migrate, which have been created by flask developers in order to solve these problems.

Django cons

1) it might cause a performance issue if your site becomes too large over time.

2)Django requires some expertise in Python to use effectively.


To sum up, we wanted to point out the main differences between Django and Flask. So, if you are looking for a web framework for your next project, you should keep these things mind: Flask is a micro framework, Django has much more functionality and is very popular in the industry. Both are stable and well supported, so that’s not a big issue. If you want to try out a new technology, Flask is a good choice. If you want to build a complex app or need to work with a large community, Django is the way to go. Django is more complex than Flask, so if you are new to Python and frameworks in general, Flask can be a better choice.

